Appraisal Ace Blog

April 29th, 2021 10:09 AM
2020 was a tough one. For everyone. But for me, I had a special reason. I was dealing with a life-altering illness. I fought the demon, won the battle and came out the other side healthy, healthier than I've been in quite a while. 

2020 caused me to examine what the rest of my life was going to look like. I came up with three important decisions.

1. I'm going to spend more time doing "want to" than "should do" activities. That means more fun, more family, more golf and more joy.

2. Family has, unfortunately, taken a back seat to work for a good portion of my life, that will change going forward. I want to spend more time with my wife, my mom, my daughter and grandkids and my sister and her family. I also want to spend time with friends, old and new. 

3. As much as possible, I am eliminating stress in my life. That means less work and only doing the work that I enjoy. I'm not ready to retire. My dad went out 2 years after he retired, partly, I think, because his raison d'etre was gone. He was a teacher all of his life; it was his passion and he loved it. Take that away and what's left? I still love appraising. I like being busy and needed. I'll continue doing the work I enjoy; I've learned to say no to the jobs I won't enjoy. That means less work I dislike, no impossible deadlines and fewer very complex assignments. 

Going forward, I'll still be around, but you may be more likely to see me doing things with my family and friends; you might catch me out on the golf course; you may not see me at as many appraiser events or realtor meetings. But, I'll still be here if you have a question or need an opinion of value. Give me a call, send me a text or drop me an email and I will respond. 

Here's to a better 2021 for all of us. 

Posted by William McKnight on April 29th, 2021 10:09 AMLeave a Comment

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